House of the Dragon: Explaining the two main causes of incest in the Targaryen | books | entertainment

There was also a second reason for intermarriage.

Unlike the Ptolemies, the Targaryens believed that they were superior to the others. They rarely crossed their breeds with other houses, unless there was a Targaryen candidate.

When they did, it was often with homes where Targaryen blood had already mixed. House Baratheon was actually founded by Orys, Aegon the Conqueror’s bastard brother.

There were also Martell’s frequent marriages that cemented the bonds between families, right up to Rhaegar’s fateful union with Elia Martell.

There were also marriages with House Velaryon on Driftmark, next to Dragonstone. It was actually the only other house that survived the Doom of Valyria, even though they didn’t have a bloodline that could control dragons.

In addition to the need to control the dragons and maintain their ‘superior’ bloodline, the Targaryens were also well aware that their blood was the last very great yet completely destroyed empire. Once it has been greatly diluted, that beeline for Valeria will be gone forever.

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